A2 - Learning Unity

Setup Unity

Find here the System Requirements.

First, let’s Install Unity.

In particular:

  • Install Unity Hub

  • Install Unity Editor

  • During Editor installation make sure to install Android SDKs

Get Started with Unity

Every programming language has idiosyncracies, depending on your previous background, some structures are intuitive and some others are confusing. Unity has a well-maintainted manual; make it your habit to read it. It saves time!

Read an overview of Unity here Get Started with Unity.

Learn about Unity’s interface

Read about Asset workflow

In particular:

  • Common types of assets
  • Using the Asset Store

Also here: Creating Gameplay

There is much more useful information in this manual, but this is the basic overview of Unity. This is your main resource of information, so please come back regularly if you have questions. Assignment and Material Instructions

As many course participants have little background in Unity, the first assignment is to work through an online course to get up-to-speed with Unity and simple C# scripting.

The course material can be found here Create with Code. This course material, provided by Unity themselves, uses an older Unity version (2018?) but the interface is still very similar and the fundamentals relevant.

If you’re a new to Unity and coding, we recommend that you watch some material and work along with the exercises. The course material is too extensive to watch one-by-one, so please skip videos if possible. If you’re familiar with Unity, you can directly skip ahead (in particular skip the lessons) to the exercises.

If you’re unsure which app to use for coding, find one here: Code Editors (IDEs).

Assignment 1

Create a small mini game including following features:

  • Create PlayerController
  • Basic movement from user input
  • Constrain the Player’s movement
  • Give objects basic movement
  • Destroy objects off-screen
  • Handle object collisions
  • Make SpawnManager spawn Prefabs
  • Replace player with new asset
  • Replace all non-player with some assets
  • Replace the background texture

Instead, you can implement as many of your own features as you like. Grading: Each features gives 0.5 points. In total you can reach 5 points.

As inspiration you can use Lab 3, Lab 4, and Lab 5.


In MyCourses submit the following deliverables

  • A compiled build of your game
  • A video walkthrough of all features. You can create such a walkthrough for example with the screen recording of OBS Studio or Zoom.
  • A short .txt file labeled readme includes any information about the build you want us to know. Especially mention implemented extra features.
  • Quest screen recording of Beat Saber reference app. This makes sure that your Quest connection is up and runnning. The .apk can be found at the end of the Install Apps page. Instructions for fetching the video are on the Transfer Videos page.