A6 Relaxed - Polishing

Assignment 6 Relaxed Option: Polishing

Do either this, or Assignment 6 Challenging. No need to do both. If you are doing a bigger project over Week 5 & 6 there’s no need to do either of these.



Make a more refined version of an exercise you did earlier.

Choose either Bowling or Escape Room, depending on which feels more motivating to you. See below and also assignment pages for Bowling and Escape Room for feature ideas.

Explain what you implemented in features.txt.



Ideas: Escape Room

Add more puzzles: activate 3-4 things in correct order?

Add more puzzles: poke at something far away with a stick?

(your idea here!)


Ideas: Bowling

Multiple lanes

More complex lanes “like in minigolf”

Pins that give different amount of score

(your idea here!)




Ideas: Generic (Bowling or Escape Room)



Skybox or 360 environment map (maybe try Skybox AI)


Visual effects

TODO: tutorial links, google/youtube with ‘unity shader graph’ and ‘unity particle system’ should find plenty

Shader Graph

Particle Systems


Physically based materials

Physically Based Rendering (PBR) materials & textures

Read here for an introduction to the texture maps the Unity Standard shader accepts: Physically Based Rendering in Unity. Can find PBR texture sets in for example in one of:



XR Hands with open/close based on Touch Controller sensors


XR Hands with Hand Tracking


Avatar & voice

TODO: videos from 2023 need to be added

Full-rig avatar (Robot Kyle)

Voice mod


XR sketching 3D models

Create 3D models in Quest using Gravity Sketch and export to Unity and use in your app. Gravity Sketch recommended but can also try ShapesXR, Medium, Quill or OpenBrush, just check early that you can export+import successfully.


3D model polishing

Create 3D models with more details and more accurate proportions. ProBuilder works, but if you have previous experience from DCC software such as Blender, Maya, Modo, 3DSMax or other you can use those as well. Pay close attention to how the models look comparing to real-world objects’ scale and position